So we took off on a rainy 50 mile bike ride. It was rainy, muddy, and we were completely unprepared for the weather. About 5 miles into it, Bud’s front tire seemed to be riding lop-sided. He realized that he blew his first tube, and the tire was completely flat. Proudly, Bud whipped out his spare tube he purchased months before from his mud-covered pack under his seat. Kurt then informed Bikemaster-Bud that some important tools are needed to switch out the tubes. Budandkurt stayed there on the side of the road and tried to use their mediocre muscles to pry the tire off of the wheel, but had no success. Luckily, Kurt’s dad came to the rescue and swapped out Bud’s tire with one of his super light pro tires. Demoralized and equipped with sopping socks, BudandKurt cut their ride down to about 20 miles. We made up the work the day after by adding in an extra swim.
Kurt’s dad, the hero that he is, taught us how to change a tube when we returned. I hope all of you get the chance to meet this honorable soul; he really is one of the most interesting men in the world. He even stepped in for a pic when we wanted to re-enact the awkward moment when Bud realized that he has no clue how to work on bicycles.
You will learn more about Kurt’s handsome father as he will be featured in our first Support Profile. Support BudandKurt and you can be on our blog as our next Support Profile!
You two are adorable. Gettt iittt donnneee! <3 Heather marie