About Us

Renton/Seattle, Washington, United States
Two years ago on a night time jog in Manzanita, Oregon, 3 boys huddled underneath a street light, dropped, did 10 pushups, and decided to run a marathon within a year. After the first years of college and many changes with friends it became apparent that there are a few different types of college student. BudandKurt decided their college years would be best spent if they could look back on them and rather than remember or try to remember drunken nights, they could remember the days they spent making themselves better. They will look back and remember the day they became men by pushing themselves beyond expectations. On September 20th in less than 4 hours BudandKurt's goal was accomplished. After having completed the 2009 Lake Chelan Shore to Shore marathon, BudandKurt have decided to put themselves through the test of an Ironman Triathlon. They will complete this challenge and be able to look back knowing that nothing will ever be any harder. The third person under that light, Tyler Smith, has become the greatest support through all of these adventures. We ask you to join Tyler in supporting BudandKurt.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Now we're part of the club...

If Average Joe's really existed it would be our kind of gym. Yesterday, we decided to set things off by joining a gym to have access to a swimming pool. We need to learn how to swim if this Ironman thing is going to work out. We were promised a sweet deal with minimal initiation fees by a gentleman named Brandon then when we got there, Brandon was no where to be seen and we were bent over by a lady named Christina who proceeded to show us our options. We're both business students and we're not stupid...we're pushovers...but we're not stupid. This lady jerked us around giving us a typical sales shpeel and we ended up getting the membership for L.A. Fitness. We headed straight towards the pool with speedo, goggles, earplugs, and all ready to go. As expected, swimming sucks horribly bad. Bud had a little better handle on it than Kurt as Kurt struggled with breathing partially just cuz he freaking hates water in general. We were both able to do about two times back and forth in the pool which we have yet to figure out the actual distance of. Needless to say we have a long way to go. Not only did we get exhausted this time but we both just about choked to death by accidently drinking a fourth of the pools water. Swimming will definitely be the hardest part of this whole thing but there's no doubt that we'll be swimming as strong as dolphins (or another strong swimming sea creature) in no time.

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