Hello Everybody,

It has been so long since our last post and we really apologize about it. Our last quarter at school was really hectic as we both had our hands in a bunch of extra curricular activities and we began our 'real life' jobs while we were still in school. It has been absolutely crazy. We successfully created a business called TBK Consulting and we have a 6 month contract to provide our services to a start up company called Finsphere. It's a pretty big deal for us and there was absolutely no time in between school and this contract. We had just enough time to squeeze in a trip to Maui to celebrate our graduation and continue our Meekrab tradition. All of these things have made it soooo hard to keep a routine training schedule or to address 'our fans' (which mainly consist of our moms). Okay, I think thats the end of my excuse paragraph...

Training is going well and now that we are working 9-5 jobs and both living at home, we are ready to put our heads down and focus with about 15 weeks to go until the triathlon. We realized we have no idea what we are
doing in terms of making a workout plan and although we do want to do most of this unaided we decided to download a training schedule to follow. The plan consists of weekly plans that contain from 15-20 hours worth of training. So we'll be working 40 hours and training 20 hours a week...it should be fun. Actually making this (Ironman) the main priority has been the biggest struggle so far with everything that is going on in our lives. For a 22 year old it has been so easy to get distracted by setting up your job, girls, friends, a plethora of other interests, and school. But again, we're figuring we can use this whole 'not having school thing' to really ... hunker down. We'll do a better job of keeping in touch as well. In this whole effort we feel that there are two sides for us. There's the training and getting ripped side which we need to do in order
to successfully complete the triathlon. Then there's the back end fan building, advertising, and trying to get people involved side. We're going to try to work on both of those sides equally in order to raise the most money for the MAW Foundation.

If you remember the title of this post after reading all those ramblings on, you're expecting to hear something about transmissions at this point. I (Kurtis) recently had my car break down on me. I got it towed to a vw dealership to find out that it was going to be $4000 to fix my transmission (in other words I needed a new car). To make a long story short, my dad suggested the the dealership was wrong, him and I drove down there on a Sunday, pumped some fluid into it and drove it off. My dad then diagnosed the problem and spent a few nights slaving over it in the garage. I would like to take this as an opportunity to thank my dad for being a huge support during this whole life/triathlon thing. He has been Buddy and mines go to guy for advice about bike stuff and maintenance of bike stuff. He always gives sound advice. Sometimes it takes me a little while to realize that he's right (I really thought I needed a new car) but when I come around he's never wrong. I love him and I wouldn't feel as though i could take a challenge like this (Ironman) on without him. Thanks for listening everybody and we'll talk to you soon!